461 Squadron sunk U-571 WW2 Australian medals F/Sgt Darcey Sunderland’s RAAF
1939 – 45 Star, Atlantic star, Defence and War Medals, Australian Service Medal 1939 – 45. The two stars are unnamed as issued, the remainder 1970’s era engraved named 415724 DARCEY W.J. Court mounted for display they come with a 461-squadron patch; service records, 461 war diary extract and official communique bulletin. Flight Sergeant William Jack Darcey was born in Leederville, Perth, Western Australia in 1923. A clerk by trade he enlisted into the Royal Australian Air Force on 1/12/1941 and was accepted for air crew training. After initial training he departed Australia for England landing on 17/3/1943 for further training before marching into 461 Squadron as a wireless operator/air gunner. He served with the squadron from 10/10/1943 – 1/3/1945 completing some 650 operational flights and a further 240 non-operational flights. The squadron was equipped with Sunderland Flying Boats and came under Coastal Command. Based out of Pembroke Docks they patrolled the Bay of Biscay frequently clashing with the Luftwaffe in their hunt for U Boats. On the 28/1/1944 she attacked and sunk the U-571 to the west of Ireland. The sub was on the surface and fought back with its Anti-Aircraft guns, however the front gunner of the Sunderland successfully […]