WW1 German 6 place South-West Africa service medal group. 1914 Iron Cross 2nd Class, 1872 – 1918 Prussian Warrior Merit Medal (combatant’s), War Merit Cross 1914-1918 with swords, Prussian Army 15 Year Service Cross, German Southwest Africa Campaign Medal in Bronze, with two bars – HEREROLAND and GROSS-NAMALAND and Hungarian Commemorative War Medals 1914-18. Mounted as worn with pin back attachment and coarse khaki wool backing, the last medal having been period ‘added’ to the bar.

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WW1 German 6 place South-West Africa service medal group. 1914 Iron Cross 2nd Class, 1872 - 1918 Prussian Warrior Merit Medal (combatant’s), War Merit Cross 1914-1918 with swords, Prussian Army 15 Year Service Cross, German Southwest Africa Campaign Medal in Bronze, with two bars - HEREROLAND and GROSS-NAMALAND and Hungarian Commemorative War Medals 1914-18. Mounted as worn with pin back attachment and coarse khaki wool backing, the last medal having been period ‘added’ to the bar.

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