Offered is a Queens South Africa Medal with 4 clasps to Trooper John James Best 326, who served in South Africa with Driscoll’s Scouts.
Queen’s South Africa medal 1899-1902, 4 clasps, ORANGE FREE STATE, TRANSVAAL, SOUTH AFRICA 1901 & SOUTH AFRICA 1902. Impressed named 326 TPR: J.J.BEST. DRISCOLL’S SCTS.
Comes with copy of the medal roll.
Trooper John James Best served with Driscoll's Scouts, a colonial unit of the Boer War of 1899-1902. It was compiled by Colin Roe WO 127/7 series at the British National Archives.
Driscoll's Scouts was founded by Capt D.P. Driscoll, who had previously served in Burma during the earlier part of the Anglo-Boer War and who decided to come to South Africa with the specific intention of forming an Irish unit. Eventually totaling a strength of just under 500 men of all ranks, it first served with the Colonial Division and was present at the siege of Wepener and operations around Lindley and Fouriesburg. In one particular action at Wepener, in which Driscoll's Scouts assisted the Cape Mounted Riflemen, the Scouts had an adventurous and hazardous ride across open ground from their bivouac, being exposed to the concentrated fire of two Maxim machine guns, a pom-pom, small arms fire and, at the end, to a barrage of shells from a field gun, during their entire four kilometre ride. Their action helped to stabilize the British position. Later the Scouts formed part of 8 Division and were part of the force concentrated to oppose the incursions into the Cape Colony by the forces of Gen Smuts. Driscoll's Scouts also took part in the final operations directed against Gen de la Rey in the Western Transvaal.
Driscoll's Scouts were eventually disbanded in Bloemfontein on the 4th July 1902.
Daniel, Patrick Driscoll's. Following his early war exploits it became clear that he was an exceptional Scout and on the 17th March 1900 in Aliwal North, Natal Province he was ordered to form the Driscoll's Scouts, a group that eventually grew to become just over four hundred strong in June 1901, but initially consisted of only fifty to sixty men, who volunteered to cross into the Orange Free State after the Frontier Mounted Rifles had refused to, an act that resulted in their subsequent disbandment.
The story is that Daniel Driscoll approached Kitchener and requested permission to form a mounted Scout troop to combat the fast moving Boer commandos. This was to be the first of a number of run-ins with Kitchener. Kitchener apparently refused to consider the request and Driscoll was effectively sidelined without an appropriate supply of horses. Eventually Driscoll and a number of accomplices descended on a regular British unit and commandeered sufficient horses to supply his band of volunteers. The commanding officer complained to Kitchener who immediately ordered that Driscoll and his band be pursued. With his legendary scouting skills he eluded his pursuers and eventually received official recognition to be known as the "Driscoll's Scouts" and went on to play a key role in many major battles during the Boer War.
Driscoll's Scouts were initially the eyes and ears of the Colonial Division under General Brabant and consisted of men like Driscoll himself, mainly colonial born British.