The Australian First World War multi gallantry award DCM and MID group of 6 DCM to Lt A.J. Lee, late of the 2nd and 5th South Australian Contingent to the Boer war and 10th Light Horse

***SOLD*** The Australian First World War multi gallantry award DCM and MID group of 6 to Lt A.J. Lee, late of the 2nd and 5th South Australian Contingent to the Boer war and 10th Light Horse. Lee won his DCM at Hamish, Sagia and Bir-el-Abd during the battle for Rommani 4th to 9th Aug 1916. Group Consists of the GEOV DCM named to 215 Sq Sgt Major A.J.Lee 10th Light Horse, QSA bars CC and OFS named to 81 Pte A.J. Lee S.A.M.R. KSA SA01 and SA 02 named to 299 Sgt A.J. Lee S. AUST. I.B. 1915 Star to...




The Australian First World War multi gallantry award DCM and MID group of 6 to Lt A.J. Lee, late of the 2nd and 5th South Australian Contingent to the Boer war and 10th Light Horse. Lee won his DCM at Hamish, Sagia and Bir-el-Abd during the battle for Rommani 4th to 9th Aug 1916. Group Consists of the GEOV DCM named to 215 Sq Sgt Major A.J.Lee 10th Light Horse, QSA bars CC and OFS named to 81 Pte A.J. Lee S.A.M.R. KSA SA01 and SA 02 named to 299 Sgt A.J. Lee S. AUST. I.B. 1915 Star to 215 Sgt A.J. Lee and his WW1 pair named Lieut A.J. Lee A.I.F. During his Boer war service with the Second Contingent, he would have served alongside Breaker Morant as their regimental numbers are very close. Later he stayed on with the 5th Contingent thus earning his King’s South Africa Medal. During the Gallipoli campaign Lee was with B Sqn of the 10th Light Horse, being the senior sergeant in the squadron. During the fatal attack at the Nek on the 7th August 1915, B Squadron was in the last two waves of the 10th Light Horse’s fateful charge. Lee was probably In the last wave and thus escaped an injury or possible death as they were held back at the very last moment. He succussed the famous SSM Spinghall of B Squadron who was killed on the 7th August in the 3rd wave. Sgt Lee suffered two wounds later during the campaign on the 29th August 1915 at Hill 60, sustaining a gun shot wound to the back and a bayonet wound to the buttock. His citation for the DCM reads: "At Hamisah, Sagia and Bir-el-Abd fro m the 4th to 9th Aug 1916. This SSM is recommended for his bearing and gallantry throughout the whole operation. He has set a splendid example to the rest of the Regt. For bringing back valuable information from reconnaissance. During the capture of prisoners at Hamish his splendid horseman ship and dash was responsible for many captures". Over 425 prisoners were taken in this action. He was later Mentioned In Dispatches during the desert campaigns of 1917. Finally receiving another wound of “shell Shock” In late 1917. Comes with many photographs and life history.

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