Offered is a fantastic double ‘fighting’ gallantry medal group to Corporal Wilfred Read, who won a ‘Menin Road’ 1917 D.C.M. and 1918 M.M. for operations in Italy. Both hard earned, the group includes the original hand written commanding officers’ gallantry citations for both awards. Distinguished Conduct Medal (G.V.), impressed named 16-348 L.CPL W. READ. 11/W. YORK. R.; Military Medal (G.V.), impressed named 16-348 CPL W.READ. D.C.M. 11/W. YORK. R.; 1914 – 15 Star, impressed named 16-348 PTE. W. READ. W. YORK. R.; British War and Victory Medals (1914 – 18), impressed named 16-348 CPL. W. READ. W. YORK. R. Court mounted...



Offered is a fantastic double ‘fighting’ gallantry medal group to Corporal Wilfred Read, who won a ‘Menin Road’ 1917 D.C.M. and 1918 M.M. for operations in Italy. Both hard earned, the group includes the original hand written commanding officers’ gallantry citations for both awards.

Distinguished Conduct Medal (G.V.), impressed named 16-348 L.CPL W. READ. 11/W. YORK. R.; Military Medal (G.V.), impressed named 16-348 CPL W.READ. D.C.M. 11/W. YORK. R.; 1914 – 15 Star, impressed named 16-348 PTE. W. READ. W. YORK. R.; British War and Victory Medals (1914 – 18), impressed named 16-348 CPL. W. READ. W. YORK. R. Court mounted for wear and come with original hand written gallantry citations (3), certificate of transfer to reserve, tie pin 'The Bradford Battalion'. Also with copies of 1911 census, citations, London Gazette extracts, war diary extract. M.I.C., medal rolls, casualty extract and newspaper articles with photographs.

D.C.M. London Gazette 6 February 1918.

M.M. London Gazette 21 October 1918.

Note there were only 335 Military Medals gazetted for the Italian campaign during 1918.

Corporal Wilfred Read D.C.M., M.M. was born in 1894 in Bradford, Yorkshire. The 1911 census records him as living with this family working as a shop assistant (stationary). The family was run by his widowed mother and consisted of 2 boys and 2 girls. Whilst his service records did not survive the ‘Blitz’, it is known that he was an original enlister with ‘A’ Company 16th Battalion West York’s Regiment (1st Bradford Pals) in September 1914, with the service #16/348. The unit history records his occupation as salesman. He landed in Egypt with the battalion on 22/12/1915 where it remained until moving to France in March 1916, as part of the 93rd Brigade, 31st division.

At an unknown date he was transferred to the 21st Battalion West Yorkshire Regiment (4th Division, Pioneer Battalion), and later to the 11th Battalion (69th Brigade, 23rd Division).

D.C.M. action Battle of the Menin Road, Ridge - 20/9/1917

The 23rd Division’s objective was the high ground on the Menin Road Ridge, with the 68th Brigade on the right and the 69th Brigade on the left with the 11th Battalion leading, next to the Australian 1st Division. The attack was to go in behind a creeping barrage. As they moved in on the 19th, a heavy rain fell on the men for over an hour.

The Germans dropped a artillery barrage on the 11th Battalion which whilst it only lasted ½ an hour caused nearly 50 men to be killed or wounded prior to the battalion leaving the forward trenches. A mist obscured visibility to a couple of hundred yards which probably helped the battalion gain Inverness Corps which whilst it was strongly held, the garrison readily surrendered.

Read was awarded the Distinguished Conduct Medal for his part in the attack. The citation stating:

‘For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty in action. When all the N.C.O.'s of two companies became causalities in an attack he took charge of the remaining men and led them to the final objective. He then consolidated the position under heavy fire and rendered great assistance to his company commander. He set an excellent example of coolness and courage under heavy fire’.

The battalion moved into the trenches on the 18th with 21 officers and 590 men. They immediately suffered 25 casualties just moving in, a further 50 on the 19th and as a result of the attack on the 20th all four company commanders were either killed or wounded, 2 officers died of wounds and 3 were wounded. There were 56 men killed, 4 died of wounds, 208 wounded and 10 missing. The battalion’s medical officer was wounded on the 21st.

In November 1917, the battalion transferred with the Division to Italy.

The battalion was facing the Austrians near Asiago and had already conducted a highly successful and ruthless night attack on the Austrian forward trenches on 15/6/1918.

M.M. action trench raid on the Austrians in Italy 1 - 2/7/1918.

On the night of the 1st & 2nd of July 1918, a 123 man raiding party attacked the Austrian trenches supported by an artillery barrage which was so accurate that the raiders were able to close on the enemy’s wire whilst the barrage was landing on the Austrian front line trench, whilst a box barrage cut the position off, when the raiders entered and penetrated the trenches, dugouts were cleared and prisoners taken with a number of enemy killed. The raiders penetrated up to 500 meters along the front line before with drawing with 1 officer and 42 prisoners and a machine gun. The loss to the raiders was 1 man slightly wounded.

Read was awarded the Military Medal for his part in the attack. The citation stating:

'As leader of a party of 10 men in a raid against the enemy trenches, on the night - 1st/2nd July 1918 showed great dash and gallantry. He showed great skill and initiative in handling his party, assisted in the capture of a large number of prisoners, and after the operation, bought off his party in perfect orders and safety to our lines.'

He was admitted to the 39th Casualty clearing station on 13/8/1918 with contusion to the ribs and after 10 days treatment was evacuated via ambulance train. He survived the war to be discharged to the Class Z reserve 14/2/1919.

The 1939 census records him as living in Bradford working as a 'Printer traveller'.

Weight0.5 kg
Dimensions40 × 30 × 20 cm
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