Very good die struck alloy constructed badge with remains of silver wash to face, showing generally gooddetails, faded grey appearance to base metal. Original plate hinge, pin and hook assembly. The badge was instituted on December 20th 1940 by  Oberstbefehlshaber des Heeres, Generalfeldmarschall von Brauchitsch, and was to be awarded to non-motorized Infantry units and units of the Gebirgsjäger. To qualify for the IAB, soldiers had to have participated in Infantry Assaults, with light weapons, over at least three days on the frontline from January 1st 1940. A counter offensive leading  fighting at short distances would also qualify. The award of the Infanterie Sturmabzeichen was authorized at regimental command level or higher. In a special occasion on May 28th, von Brauchitsch himself awarded the first two recipients, an officer and an enlisted man.



Very good die struck alloy constructed badge with remains of silver wash to face, showing generally gooddetails, faded grey appearance to base metal. Original plate hinge, pin and hook assembly.

The badge was instituted on December 20th 1940 by  Oberstbefehlshaber des Heeres, Generalfeldmarschall von Brauchitsch, and was to be awarded to non-motorized Infantry units and units of the Gebirgsjäger. To qualify for the IAB, soldiers had to have participated in Infantry Assaults, with light weapons, over at least three days on the frontline from January 1st 1940. A counter offensive leading  fighting at short distances would also qualify. The award of the Infanterie Sturmabzeichen was authorized at regimental command level or higher. In a special occasion on May 28th, von Brauchitsch himself awarded the first two recipients, an officer and an enlisted man.

Additional information

Weight0.1 kg
Dimensions5 × 5 × 2 cm
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