Kriegsmarine High Seas Fleet badge, a mid war zinc made example, with much of the dull gold gilt wash present and overall the badge showing very little wear. Has the sharp rear ‘struck’ details, with brass hook and slightly rusty pin. Badge measures 42 mm x 56 mm, being an unmarked example. The High Seas Fleet badge was an award that was instituted in April 1941, a World War II German military decoration awarded for service to the crews of the Kriegsmarine High Seas Fleet, mainly the battleships and cruisers, but also those ships that supported them operationally for which there was no other award given.
Kriegsmarine High Seas Fleet badge, a mid war zinc made example, with much of the dull gold gilt wash present and overall the badge showing very little wear. Has the sharp rear 'struck' details, with brass hook and slightly rusty pin. Badge measures 42 mm x 56 mm, being an unmarked example.
The High Seas Fleet badge was an award that was instituted in April 1941, a World War II German military decoration awarded for service to the crews of the Kriegsmarine High Seas Fleet, mainly the battleships and cruisers, but also those ships that supported them operationally for which there was no other award given.
Additional information
Weight | 0.1 kg |
Dimensions | 15 × 8 × 6 cm |